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Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 19.26 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Medicine | Downloaded: 0
...session with her therapist. She begins to...
...what her female therapist says because it... do. The therapist is unaware of... Consequently, the therapist ignores Jane’s anger...
...appointment with the therapist. 1. What could...
...What could the therapist do to address...
...Jane and the therapist. 3. Can you...
...on to her therapist. This is called...
N/A 175
Solutions | Approved: 7 years ago | 61 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Health, Nutrition, and Food Sciences | Downloaded: 1
...straight. B) The therapist palpates the head...
...femur. C) The therapist presses into the...
...thumb. D) The therapist pins the fascia...
...psoas release, the therapist should do which...
...and has the therapist perform a passive...
...tissue alignment, the therapist should say which...
...following should the therapist look for as...
...technique should the therapist use to help...
N/A 209
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